Sunday, 16 June 2013

DIY Tinted lip balm in a locket

This easy DIY is perfect for when you have just a tiny smudge of your favourite lipstick that you refuse to throw away, and then you end up scraping out every last bit putting it in to a random pot and forgetting about it.

 Well here is a perfect, cute, practical way to fix this problem! 

What you will need:

>Your Lip stick of choice  
>A locket
>microwave safe container

What to do:

First thing to do is scrape out the left over lipstick and put it in to your container. 
Now grab the vaseline and put a little less than double the amount of lipstick. 
(The more vaseline the less pigmented) also if you want to customise it more you can put eye shadow or flavoured lip balm to make it your own.

Place the microwave safe container in the microwave for 10 seconds at a time what you need is for the Vaseline and the lipstick to be liquid.

When your done melting, stir the mixture so all the colours are blended and gently pour the mixture in to your locket, don't worry if it spills over the sides, if it gets a bit messy it can be easily cleaned up.

Once you have poured it in place, put it in to the fridge for a hour to set,
When your balm has set clean up the sides if it got messy when you was pouring.

And then your done! you can have your favorite lipstick hanging around your neck 
these make great gifts and are so easy to do!

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

How to curl your lashes (The right way)

Curling the eyelashes is one of those things that never gets much credit but can produce amazing results when done right. With a good curl, lashes look longer, thicker, and the eyes appear larger and more awake. Everyone has their own technique, but here is mine. 
Hold the curler the way you normally hold a pair of scissors. 
Open the curler completely and bring it up to the upper lashes, making sure to get the right up to the root of the eyelashes. make sure you have all of your lashes inside the curler. Place the tool upright, so the curve faces out.
Close the curler carefully on the lashes and squeeze lightly, with a soft, pulsing grip.
Now turn the curler upwards so that the curve of the curler lines up with the curve of your eyelid’s crease. 
Now this is the secret. It will give you curl, rather than a crimp effect.
Squeeze the curler handles in small pulses with light pressure, holding the tool in place for several seconds.
Move the curler up from the root of the lash all the way to the tip, pressing and pulsing until you reach the end this will create a amazing curl.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Leibster Award

Hey everyone! so some very lovely girls at a beauty piece nominated are blog for the Leibster Award!

So this award is for those blogs that need there time to shine, blogs with less than 200 followers.
I have been bloging for about 3 months now and it just keeps getting better 
I have had some great opportunities, worked with some amazing people and i love it!
Thank you girls! Amelia & Stephanie

So the rules are:

1. Each nominee should answer the 11 questions by the tagger. 

2. Choose 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to pass the award to and link them in your post. 
3. Create 11 new questions for the chosen bloggers. 
4. Go to their page and tell them about their nomination. 

 So here are the questions

1. Which do you prefer: Blonde, Brunette or Redhead?

I have been blonde all my life but one day i will go red...when i feel brave enough!

2. Where would you live: New York or Los Angeles?

Well out of those two i have only been to New York but i am a beach girl at heart so 
Los Angeles!
3. If you were stranded on a desert island for 6 months, what 3 items would you choose to take with you and why?

Masscara!! because it is my must have makeup item, a friend? if that counts in case i get lonely:) and a photo of my family.  

4. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself?

I really wish i had blue eyes! 

5. If your life would be made into a movie who would be cast to play you? Would it be a romantic comedy, suspense, fantasy,...?

It probaly be would a action\adventure movie and i am gonna say...ashley benson:)

6. If you could only eat the same meal over and over for a month, what would it be?

Spaghetti bolognese:)

7.  Collin Farrell or Brad Pitt?

Brad Pitt hands down!!

8. What is your favorite feature/part of your body?

I would have to say my legs:)

9. Do you have a nickname? Do you like it?

There is a Few brybry, B, bryon it used to annoy me when i was little but now i love it.

10. Do you have a 'sweet tooth' or a 'salt tooth'?

Salt tooth mainly but i do get those moods for something sweet  

11. Are you a morning person? Or a nighttime person?

Night person!! i have no body clock i swear 

These are the blogs i am nominating:

(I couldent find 11 who i wanted to nom)

And here are my questions:

1. 3 holy grail beauty products that you cant live without.
2. Would you rather leave the house with an obvious foundation line or overdone blush?
3.  In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line? and why?
4. Are you a spender or a saver?
5. Your dream vacation?
6. What items do you most like to receive as gifts? 
7. Your current foundation?
8. If you had any, what was your new years resolutions?
9. A beauty secret you think every one should know.
10.  Last Years Biggest Challenge?
11. your signature perfume?

Sunday, 2 June 2013

DIY Ice beauty secrets


                                     Shrink A Zit

Holding ice on that annoying pimple you notice on running out the door is one way to Get the red out, Ice decreases inflammation, and can even relieve the pain from acne. Just hold the ice against the affected area for five to ten minutes.

                               De-Puff Eyes

late night? Reach for an ice cube! Wrapping a cube in a washcloth and holding over your eyes can reduce morning puffiness, and make you look and feel more alert. you could also, freeze cubes of caffeinated black tea, or store sliced cucumbers in ice 

                                            Prime Skin

Before applying your foundation, run an ice cube over your face on areas with enlarged pores. The cold water will cause pores to shrink and minimise their appearance under makeup.

                                     Scrub Away

make a DIY icy scrub! by blending fruits or veggies (like cucumber, strawberries or mango) with water and freezing in ice cube trays. Once frozen, gently rub a fruity cube over your face as part of your weekly facial. The chunky texture will exfoliate as the ice melts.
