Wednesday 5 June 2013

How to curl your lashes (The right way)

Curling the eyelashes is one of those things that never gets much credit but can produce amazing results when done right. With a good curl, lashes look longer, thicker, and the eyes appear larger and more awake. Everyone has their own technique, but here is mine. 
Hold the curler the way you normally hold a pair of scissors. 
Open the curler completely and bring it up to the upper lashes, making sure to get the right up to the root of the eyelashes. make sure you have all of your lashes inside the curler. Place the tool upright, so the curve faces out.
Close the curler carefully on the lashes and squeeze lightly, with a soft, pulsing grip.
Now turn the curler upwards so that the curve of the curler lines up with the curve of your eyelid’s crease. 
Now this is the secret. It will give you curl, rather than a crimp effect.
Squeeze the curler handles in small pulses with light pressure, holding the tool in place for several seconds.
Move the curler up from the root of the lash all the way to the tip, pressing and pulsing until you reach the end this will create a amazing curl.

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