Friday, 12 July 2013

Beauty Blogger TAG

Hey everyone! so are blog got asked by the gorgeous girls of A beauty piece to do the
Beauty blogger tag! which was created by The beaubow so go and check there blogs out!

So Lets get started, here are the rules:

  • State that this TAG was created by The beaubow
  • TAG 5 Beauty Bloggers
  • Title the post: Beauty Blogger TAG to show what the post is about

The Questions 

1) Name a beauty routine you rarely do?

Painting my nails probably, i love doing them its just making time and not getting distracted.

2) Is washing your makeup brushes something you do regularly?  

I really should do this more! and people say you should wash them once a week but i don't think i could commit to that.

3)How long will you last with chipped nails?

I am so guilty of this! maybe a week some times.

4)How long do you put off buying/replacing a beauty or nail polish product even if you need it (i.e. top coat, foundation ECT)?

Over the years my makeup collection has rapidly grown! due to my crazy obsession to buying it and packaging...oh the packaging gets me every time, so i have basically three of everything so if i run out i use another i have.

5)What is your worst beauty habit?

Taking off my makeup at night! I am sure we are all guilty of this and i have got a lot better at this because i know its bad for your skin

6)Name something non beauty related that you put off doing all the time?

Definitely school work! When it comes to a topic i am not interested in i am the biggest 


7)When going out somewhere, do you leave getting ready to the last minute or not?

Not at all! i all ways make sure i have enough time to do my makeup, hair and outfit because it is one of my favorite things to do but this means i am late for every thing haha

8)Can you commit to spending bans?

Honestly i have never made one because i know if there is a sale or something i desperately want there is no stopping me.

9)How organised is your makeup and nail polish collections?

As for makeup it is all in these draw things i try to keep one draw for face one for eyes and so on i have a post on my makeup collection here:
         how i store my makeup
And for nails i have crazy amount of nail polishes so i have been keeping them i a shoe box but i am planing on getting a nail rack.

10)Whats the longest time you have gone with out writhing a blog post?

Maybe a week and a bit over i would rather make good posts a little spaced out then one i haven't put much time in to every day
And post ideas or something you want to see more of are REALY appreciated! so please email me if you have any!

Here are the blogs i would like to tag to do this:

So i hope you guys liked reading this tag as much as i liked doing it talk to you soon loveleys!

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